Crabs & Shrooms


Do Hermit Crabs eat Spotted Mushroom Coral? We have a bunch of little Hermits and they don't bother them. We found a Hermit with the shell the size of a tennis ball, but we don't want to get it if it will eat the shrooms. :happyfish
Any imput would be greatly appreciated.....................Peace


just dont ever buy big hermits that are GREEN
they are the
and will up root move things and destroy your tank


Thanx for your reply kjord, the crab has red legs.

I don't care if he moves stuff, our triggers do that. ***) The rock the shrooms are on, none of them will be able to move, no matter how big they (fish/crab) get. I just don't want the crab to eat the shrooms.
Do you know if they eat them?


We are going to the lfs this afternoon, and I would like some input as to whether I should get this BIG crab or not, thanx..........Peace


:help: Please can anyone tell me if large hermits will eat mushroom coral?
We're leaving in about an hour. Thanx again............Peace


i dont know of any hermits besides the green ones that will eat anything in the tank. best i can save is buy a few and just watch them.


Thanx kjord, the little bugers eat the coraline algea
we have a ton that grew in our tank since we set up last February........WOW..........the tank has been up a year!!!

Well, the leetle beety crabs we have are too cool :joy: so we wanted to get a larger one to watch as well. ***) I think we are going to do it. If it starts messin' with the shrooms.....OUT he/she goes!!!

With my chattiness, you'll be sure to hear how it turns out...............Peace
P.S. Do the moderators have access to a smiley face w/a peace sign? I would LOVE it if one became available to use. Or maybe a fish putting up a peace "Fin Sign"?
Just a request, no biggie if not.


We got the huge crab. No missing limbs so far. kjord, you were right, moved a bunch of rock. This guy is so cool and so big. I just don't want it to take a nip out of any of the fish. The only one that pays attention to any of the crabs is the Undy. She is so curious about anything in the tank. The crab is quick to retreat though.
Now for crab ID. It has reddish brown legs that have what look like little white dots all over it's legs. The pinchers aren't real big, and both are the same size. The shell is about 3-1/2". I wish our camera worked...................Peace


this could be the hermit here is some info
The White-spotted Hermit Crab, also referred to as the Red Hermit Crab, has hairy red legs with black-edged white dots. It has unequal-sized claws (the left one is larger) which it will use to catch food. It lives inside empty gastropod shells.
The White-spotted Hermit Crab is not safe for a reef aquarium because it will eat tube worms, mollusks, and fish. It will also eat algae. In a community tank, however, it will keep the sand sifted with its constant search for food. It is best to keep just one specimen per tank, since it is aggressive towards other Hermit Crabs. As the Hermit Crab grows, it will need larger shells to inhabit. It is most active at night. It is a very hardy animal, and an interesting addition to an aquarium.
If there is insufficient algae, the diet should be supplemented with dried seaweed, tablet foods, and earthworms.


Nope that isn't it.
It's claws are the same size. The legs are long and slender and have black lines on them. Itty bitty eyes. I'll do some searching and see if I can find a pic of one. Thanx for the information on the care of one. I have been reading a bit on them, but I have to find out what type it is, for my ocb
You know you never find the specific questions without indepth research, which I do enjoy doing. But I really like asking on bbs's to get "experienced advise". Thanx again and I'll try and find a pic.......Peace
BTW: How about that smiley face w/a peace sign?? :jumping:


Well, I found a pic of one, but I can't copy it, and the photographer didn't itdentify the type/species, and it is on another web site.
Oh well, I'll keep trying......Peace


next time post this in reef tanks cause you posted this in aggresive fish


I am usually a very peaceful person, however, sometimes things just rub me the wrong way, THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES.
I wasn't aware that bodily injury or mental distress came to anyone (except you obviously)because of this post.
Okay, sooooooooooo sorry!!!
I didn't know I was breaking the rules on posting. I just thought since my tank is AGGRESSIVE with 3 TRIGGERS, I could post in this forum. :thinking:
Considering that this thread was almost on the second page.......what difference does it make?
You don't have much to do with your time, huh? Are you a moderator? If so, I truly am sorry, if you are not a moderator, BUTT OUT!!!!
Once again, my apologies for upsetting the BALANCE of the universe..............PEACE


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfinusa
next time post this in reef tanks cause you posted this in aggresive fish

Unnecessarry comment....
hermit crab can be agressive... therefore its in the right one


would it be a scarlet hermit? The scarlets I have are small-medium size though, definitely not large. I have some pics of mine at home, I can upload one later for you to compare if you'd like.


That would be cool Aelene. The one we got is big. It is brownish red with vertical lines going up his legs. His two pinchers are the same size and have white dots on them, but it isn't the one kjord showed. It is tall and thin legged.
You are right Pfitz, the second night we got our first two snails and crabs, one of the crabs ate/removed one of the snails and took its shell
They can nip pretty hard if they want, especially this guy......HE'S HUGE......
We took some pics, but they aren't that good.........too much flash or something, and you can't really see his markings well.
I am sorry surfin, I shouldn't have gone off on you like that, it was very rude. With that being said, it was a completed thread.....almost on the second are not the thread police



tnt (BTW, tnt to me means Tanqueray & tonic
with two limes pleaase :joy: )
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Do you know what kind it is?

Thanx tnt......................Peace


Well, tnt means Tracey and Troy to me--Troy's my husband.

Anyway, sorry to say I have no idea what kind it is. I have 4 of them in my tank and have never found an id for them. Mine have at least tripled in size since I got them about 8 months ago.
We don't have any corals in our tank, so I can't tell you how they are with those. However, they will kill a snail in a heartbeat if they want it's shell. Be sure to provide empty shells for it to chose from. Mine change shells all of the time. We do have the tiny hitchhiker featherdusters on our rock and they don't eat them. I recently tried a giant featherduster, they ate him, tube and all, within 3 days. They eat some hair algae and keep the sand clean. I do give them a piece of meat every now and then.
The pic wasn't mine. I borrowed it from a website that just labeled it "hermit crab." If you find out what they are please share.


Well, here we are back to square one then, huh? Maybe someone else will be able to tell us.
We bought extra shells for the smaller crabs, but will have to search to find a larger shell for this guy.
We only have one rock that we didn't know had any shrooms on it. A gift actually, and so far the triggers haven't messed with them at all. The first night though, like was said before, he knocked it off, but all shrooms are well.
If anyone knows what this guys species is, let us know.
Thanx again tnt..............Peace