crabs with eels and triggers


Active Member
will blue legs and hermit crabs be ok with a snowflake eel and a dwarf lion and are there any triggers that would be ok?


Active Member
what clean up crew can be used in an aggressive set up with a snowflake, a dwarf lion and some kind of trigger, what about a lunar wrasse


Active Member
they all will make good cleaners temporarily, but i can't think of too many(if any) that would be safe against the fish you have chosen, more than likely they all will become a snack, one of the draw backs of having an aggressive tank


The cleanup crew in my aggressive tank consists of me and a bucket. Anything else has been eaten. I just run the skimmer, and water quality stays fine. One thing about triggers, mine tend to hide food. Make sure you watch them eat, or you will have a mystery ammonia spike.