cracked aquarium


New Member
Ive got a 55 gallon cracked towards the top and i have no idea how to fix it.... is it still fixable or is there an effective way i can prevent the crack from spreading? Any response would be awesome.


Active Member
If its glass than you're pretty well screwed. Acrylic you may be able to fix, I've heard of putting another piece of acrylic over the area thats cracked, I've also heard to drill a small hole on each end of the crack where the crack stops to make it stop spreading. I'd ask a acrylic shop near you.

bang guy

I strongly encourage you to look up the warranty and find a way to get a new tank. A cracked glass tank is a disaster waiting to happen.


Home depot sells aquarium glue for about 3-5 dollars. this will not stop a glass aquarium from totally cracking but it may help depending on the size