Cracked tank - yikes...


New Member
Hi there --
So, I'm looking for sage wisdom from those that have moved/upgraded well-established, existing systems. :help:
I have a 65 glass reef that's been in place for 7 years without significant issue and looks great -- unfortunately, somebody whacked the corner of the tank with something and has caused a chip of the side corner near the bottom of the tank thus leaving just a couple of millimeters of seal holding the whole thing together, it seems. :scared: The current system has a substantial variety of reef life with a DSB and just a couple of fish, also with hards and softs.
So, it seems we need to replace the tank -- how do you do that with an established system? I wouldn't tackle it alone, I have a regional FS that can help.
Anybody had the same thing?
Thoughts on how you'd move? Would you bring the DSB -- anybody tried that before? (Thoughts on the DSB -- do you ditch it? :) )I'm thinking acrylic for the next tank.

Since we're changing the tank, what are those things you would have done it could could have started all over again? :)
Thanks for taking your time to answer -- horrible problem. Finally got the mature, beautiful tank and it gets hosed. :) Sigh.


Active Member
I'm not sure if you would keep the original sand bed or not. Obviously the rock will be fine I think...
I'm just wondering if you wouldn't do a whole new sand bed, and then start placing everything over in it. Obviously use the same water, but could do a nice water change too.
My tank wasn't 7 years old, but I did kind of re do a tank once that had been established. I had let the tank go for about two months, it looked bad and very dirty. So I took everything out and put it into a big plastic tub with a heater and a power head. I drained about half the water into the tub and discarded the rest. I then put a whole new sand bed in and filled the tank back up with established saltwater from my LFS (we use the same salt). I then acclimated everything to the new tank and tadaaa... no deaths, no new cycle everything was fine.
I don't see how your situation would be any different. You might like a clean sand bed actually. Might be for the best, since we hear some bad things about old DSB's.

yeffre kix

Well the bright side is you get to change anything you didn't really like about your existing tank.
Are you happy with the current size? It may be a good time for an upgrade since your replacing anyway.
I would recommend acrylic for any larger tank. The peace of mind is worth the extra care required when cleaning.
You can also plumb it a lot easier, so a sump for pumps, heaters, and such is a nice upgrade if you don't have one already.
Replacing the sand bed with fresh live sand is a good idea. Your live rock is fine to switch over. You should still expect a cycle so don't move all your inhabitants over immediately.


Active Member
I did not have a cycle when doing mine. But I was worried I might. I don't know, if your live rock is your biological filtration, it should continue to do so. I wouldn't think you would have one.


New Member
Yea, thinking bigger :) Just got a MHx2/PC 96x2/LED combo light for 48" at $800 a few months ago -- interested in keeping it to 48" because of that. Thinking a 90, ?bow, might be enough of a jump. It's on a main floor of a house, but strong truss construction (not joists), at a corner, and spread across the trusses rather than running along one.
The rock/DSB is the biologic filter at this time, with a HOB refugium -- good place for misbehaving crabs is its major function. The concern about DSB's blowing up is certainly there. Essentially it's flow, water changes, rapid calerpa culling in the fuge and an army of detrius eaters. There's a hanging skimmer/protein box. I've been a little concerned about going to a sump due to reports of noise. Also, my house tends to lose power occassionally despite living in a city, restarting flow is a concern -- but I guess a battery backup could help eliminate that concern.
Anyone tried online tank dealers before? Vs. going with the LFS.
Thanks for the thoughts. I keep checking the newly discovered crack looking for the water bead starting -- on the edge! :)