cracked tank


New Member
hi, i have hex tank that has one panel cracked, it belonged to my
daughter, she left it with me when she moved. i'm wondering
how hard it would be to replace that panel, anyone have any


Active Member
It would be tough to replace. You may be able to take it to a glass shop to have it fixed, but for the price it may be cheaper to buy a new tank.


We have had several tanks given to us with cracked or broken glass and my husband has repaired all of them. It is really not that difficult to do the key is to make sure that you get all the old silicone off and that it is clean and dry before putting on the new silicone .


They make aquarium sealant we buy ours at walmart but you could use 100% silicone. I would not use liquid nails. use rubbing alcohol to wipe down the glass or acrylic before you apply any silicone.


New Member
thanks for the replies, i think i'll try it, the tank is not good the way it is, so if it doesn't work, i'm not out much any way


Good luck fish girl the key is to wait a couple of days after you apply the silicone to let it set before adding water then what we usually do is sit it on the back porch and fill it with water then let it sit for about a week to see if it still leaks.:)


Because most people don't want to mess with a broken tank and will give it away because they are just going to throw it away:D We have 9 tanks up and running mostly FW and four tanks sitting empty. Three of those were given to us and one we paid $5 for it.


Cb's home is often invaded by homeless animals and anything eles that shows up. She just takes them in no questions asked:D
But she will not take my UNKNOWN CRAB that I finally caught and I have no idea why;)


Lesa"s UNKNOWN crab has found a new home at the lfs He is be traded in on two clowns.:D


New Member
thanks for all the replys, i'm not sure how many gal. i think it is
65, it is pretty big and was a real pretty tank when my daughter had it set up. it was fw. i'm going to try to fix, like you said, put it on the back deck to fill with water when i'm done, first have to see if i can have the local glass co. cut a piece of glass for it then will process from there
wish me luck