Crazy Clown, What's the Deal-Yo?


New Member
I have this one clown fish that is just great... He's got personality. What I can't figure out is that when the light goes out and it's time for bed, this dude swims sideways at the top of the tank like he just DIED! At first I thought for sure there was something wrong... Nope, for months now that is just what he does. He swims sideways a the top of the tank like he's dead every night... Then in the morning he's sharp as an arrow! What gives? Is this even normal? AT ALL? All my levels are sound, nothings should be stressing him out, I don't even have anything more than two hermit crabs to keep him company... All I want to know is if anyone else has a crazy clown like this guy, or else if maybe if he's sick and shows no signs of it except for his strange behavior...


My female did the same thing. Now she has a rock that her and the male hang out on. That's where they lay thier eggs now.


New Member
I would like to know this as well. Is this behavior normal?
Yesterday I purchased a pair of clowns in hopes they would host my anemone. Last night they stayed at the top of the tank; one swimming very slow and the other sideways. My Damsel is harassing one of them so I figured they were scared. Looks like I might have to get rid of the Damsel.


This happens when your clowns are 'homeless' so to speak...if they find something to host they usually stop that behavior...I have found that clownfish will host leather corals in addition to anemones, with the benefit that leather corals are much more hardy (and a much more consientious choice) than the usual hosting anemones.


New Member
I beleive the part about hosting is right on. My anenome went through a bad time, *all better now*
MY sabea used to sleep on it side in the anenome. when the A. would not host.
The Sabea did the same side sleeping in over near some rocks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PAchemUSA
This happens when your clowns are 'homeless' so to speak...if they find something to host they usually stop that behavior...I have found that clownfish will host leather corals in addition to anemones, with the benefit that leather corals are much more hardy (and a much more consientious choice) than the usual hosting anemones.
Statistically clown fish kill more corals by using them to host in, than anemones. Although it is done quite often if you have an aggressive fish this will most likely kill the coral. If not right away as the fish grows and matures its aggression typically does the same, resulting in the death or severe stress of the coral. JMO/E
I have a clown that is stranger, my female A.chrysopterus use to sleep upsidedown next to the filter intake at night. This freaked me out the first time I saw it. Then after watching her for a few seconds, I woke her up staring at her and she went right side up. She did this several nights untill we put the fake aquascape in the QT. I guess she felt safe and comfortable upsidedown..weird!


LOL I have one that sleeps with their nose straight down against the back wall of the tank and one that literally sleeps with their body pressed against the front of the glass. I love how they move but you know they're knocked out, they just look like they're hammered lol.