CRAZY Clownfish!!


Active Member
I took my RBTA to the LFS to see if he can bring him back to life for about a week or so. As soon as i were taking the anemone out my clownfish turns crazy and starts biteing me, nothing breaking the skin but this little devil is going insane! so i move around some rocks to get the anemone out and hes biteing the rocks now!! i cant even stick my hand in the tank or he will bite me, i think he misses his home


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
I took my RBTA to the LFS to see if he can bring him back to life for about a week or so.

And after that, are you just gonna bring him back home? Then the anemone would just go back to the former condition it was in before the LFS.


Active Member
my lfs guy told me he doesnt know why it shouldnt be doing fine in my tank, hes very healthy and fat he just has lost his color before i bought him a month or so ago, i bought the anemone bleached, so if he can bring it back to its original color, i dont think he will become bleached in my tank.


Usually BTAs and RBTAs are capable of dramatic comebacks. So I wouldn't be surprised if can recover in the LFS tank. Just make sure that your tank parameters match the LFS water parameters or acclimatize it well before adding it back to your tank.
Usually, though I have noticed that the extent of coloration that they attain after recovery is not as intense as compared to before they got bleached. Or perhaps it takes a really long time before they are as dark as they were before. I have anemones that have regained color they lost and are doing well but not as dark as I might want to see them. But then again its been just 4 months since. So maybe thats a short time frame to expect too much.


Active Member
what kind of lights do you have jacob_poly? how long should i let him stay at the lfs?


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
so if he can bring it back to its original color, i dont think he will become bleached in my tank.

Not necesarily true.


Active Member
hmm mind my grammer but my anemone didnt get more bleached in my tank while i had him..?


Active Member
Probably because your lights are still good, just barely not good enough IME. And if I remember correctly, you didn't have it for very long.
My anemone didn't seem to get bleached in my tank either. It just started shrinking, shrinking, stopped accepting food, and tentacles became wilted and limp. just my experience. I'd recommend you just return that anemone until you upgrade your lights.


Active Member
ive had him a week before christmas, so i think thats 1.5 months of 2 months.. not sure


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
2x65w 50/50 power compact over a 22g

this comes to 5.9 wpg.. could this be too much light for him?
im just about to get into softies, so im looking to learn as much as i can