Crazy ich question

aquatic art

New Member
Per my last post a month ago, I thought my tank has ich. the white dots are only on my Powder Brown, (he is to fast to get a pic of of close). these dots only show up late in the day and go away over night. (opposite of ich) I have been drowning the fish in garlic and treating the tank with Chem Marine. I haven't lost a fish and there activity hasn't changed. I have 8 other fish and no signs of ich on them. Is this just a way of him showing stress thru the day?
Please let me know of your ideas Chem marine dirties the water and is expensive for 180gal tank.


Staff member
You really can't tell much from this picture, however, the description does sound like ich. Are you uncertain about that?


New Member
Interesting, this is the exact same situation I have. Signs of ich are only visible late in the day.


New Member
Could it have anything to do with the spots reacting to lighting? Seems the longer my lights are on, the more obvious the spots are.


Originally Posted by MikeyV
Could it have anything to do with the spots reacting to lighting? Seems the longer my lights are on, the more obvious the spots are.
It actually has to do with the life cycle of ich. Tangs tend to sleep in the same spot at night. That is where the parasites drop off to reproduce. The fish is there when they "hatch". A healthy fish will fight them off, but then return to the same spot at night.


Aquatic Art, Chem Marin is expensive and messy, as you pointed out. You may want to consider treating all of your fish and leaving the display fish less. All ich will die and you will not have to buy bottle after bottle of medication.

aquatic art

New Member
I haven't treated the tank with any chemical or quarantined anything for over a week now. I only lost one fish 4 weeks ago, ( lost the powder Blue after I pulled him out he freeked out and died immediatly) the powder brown does show signs later in the day and are gone in the morning. He is very healthly and eats all day on the Macro Feast I keep in the take. The white spots look like ich but are not imbedded in the skin. They do show up in the dorsal fins (big side fins) He doesn't bump around or act any different. He also was quarantined prior to putting him the reef. I will let anyone know if I see any changes but I am going to quit worrying about the "white dots" Lots of garlic and food seems to work for now. He doesnt sleep in the same spot believe it or not he sleeps near the top of the tank in front of a supply pipe. (I don't sleep much) I like to sit in front of the tank at night with the night lights on. They are soooo cool at night!


Originally Posted by aquatic art
I haven't treated the tank with any chemical or quarantined anything for over a week now. I only lost one fish 4 weeks ago, ( lost the powder Blue after I pulled him out he freeked out and died immediatly) the powder brown does show signs later in the day and are gone in the morning. He is very healthly and eats all day on the Macro Feast I keep in the take. The white spots look like ich but are not imbedded in the skin. They do show up in the dorsal fins (big side fins) He doesn't bump around or act any different. He also was quarantined prior to putting him the reef. I will let anyone know if I see any changes but I am going to quit worrying about the "white dots" Lots of garlic and food seems to work for now. He doesnt sleep in the same spot believe it or not he sleeps near the top of the tank in front of a supply pipe. (I don't sleep much) I like to sit in front of the tank at night with the night lights on. They are soooo cool at night!
If the fish are healthy then they will be able to fight off a few parasites. Keep an eye on it.