Crazy little clown!!!


Every time i put my hand n the tank the female clown goes
nuts and attacks me. it doesn't hurt but supprises the heck out of me. I use a pair of plastic tongs to keep it at bay. Does anyone else have this happen? :happyfish


Active Member
My four inch FM Cinnamon has drawn blood befor. Very protective of the anemone and eggs. Shes got teeth. Scares the heck out of me too when I forget to watchout for her when working in the tank. Hurts like **** too.


glad im not the only one. how do you tell if they lay eggs. My two have been together for about 1.5 yrs.


Active Member
Well, with mine. They spend a day or two cleaning a spot on a rock under or near the anemone/host. Scrapeing with their mouth/teeth away algae and any life/preditors of the eggs to make a nest where they take turns passing over the spot. FM lays down eggs and the male fertilizes them. Take an hour or two and then the male will stay there guarding and fanning the eggs and the FM goes on search and destroy missions around the home. Takes a little over a week and then the other fish get a treat to eat.


Unfortunately, clownfish fry are fair game to just about all the inhabitants in your aquarium. 99.9% of them will not make it more than a few hours.

Do a search and you can find several folks here who have had success rearing the little guys.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
My four inch FM Cinnamon has drawn blood befor. Very protective of the anemone and eggs. Shes got teeth. Scares the heck out of me too when I forget to watchout for her when working in the tank. Hurts like **** too.

This is a dumb question, but do all clowns get teeth?