crazy new look!!!

madd catt

Member is now selling fishing tackel,hmm tropical fish and tackle store now that is different...The new look is nice though.:rolleyes:
It sure does look good. I thought that I had the wrong site when I first logged on. I had to go back and check my self. LOL But it looks great.

sinner's girl

all it means to me is i have to change my homepage so i don't have to click to come here.
Guess, they weren't making enough money with saltwater stuff or they found a market for selling stuff to catch fish...
steamboat1569~What a great idea you have. If such a device could be made it sure would sell (would you rather spend money to catch the fish or hours rearanging and moving lr, chasing them with a net). I've never had to catch a damsel, but i've heard the stories on here.