Crazy Yellow Head Moray


Well...I have to say that this guy is badass. Just got him one week ago and he is fitting right in. Acclimated very well and has already established himself as a key factor in the coolness of this hobby. He eats every other day like clockwork and will eat until he is full and then stops. He is an eating machine and I begin to worry if i'm feeding him too much. He gets so full that I think he doesn't know when to stop. Should I just give him what he wants and let him get huge in a hurry? Is this healthy?

I know the bioload in my tank will be getting bigger by the week. Should I take any precautions or just play it by ear? I've got pretty good filtration(30g fuge, bioballs,150 sealife skimmer, 90 lbs lr). Enough?
Also any tips with just keeping eels in general would be most helpful
. I've kept green wolves before but this is a new game for me now and I want to get into this eel game. I can't wait to get a bigger tank so I can have more bad ass guys like this. I'm tapped out with 100g right now. I'm hoping there is a 300g in my future.


You should try to go to about 2-3 feedings per week, but keep to the stop when it stops theory. There is a thing called power feeding that happens with some eels. The most obvious result is that you get a big eel fast. The bad thing that you don't see is that the internal organs don't grow correctly and don't support the size of the eel. It may also end up with a head that looks too small for its body. End result; big eel, poor immune system, poor chance at living long life. Properly fed and cared for an eel can easily live for 10+ years.
The best resources I have found for my eels are some of the members on this board, and my Moray Eel Bible as I call it - Keeping Moray Eels in Aquariums, by Phil Purser.


I have pretty much have the same set up with my green moray.I'am upgrading from a 90 to a 150.I have had him for 3 years and i feed mine every 3 days.Just remember if he gets hungry enough he will go after other tank mates if u have any.



Active Member
Originally Posted by cagRN
You should try to go to about 2-3 feedings per week, but keep to the stop when it stops theory. There is a thing called power feeding that happens with some eels. The most obvious result is that you get a big eel fast. The bad thing that you don't see is that the internal organs don't grow correctly and don't support the size of the eel. It may also end up with a head that looks too small for its body. End result; big eel, poor immune system, poor chance at living long life. Properly fed and cared for an eel can easily live for 10+ years.
The best resources I have found for my eels are some of the members on this board, and my Moray Eel Bible as I call it - Keeping Moray Eels in Aquariums, by Phil Purser.
2 - 3 weeks is a little pushing it. Morays will eat at any given chance, in the wild...not every few weeks. You start feeding every 2 - 3 weeks and you're gonna start seeing tank mates go missing.
2 - 3 feedings, PER WEEK, are the norm. If they're not hungry, they wont eat...but 9 times out of 10, they'll eat. By only feeding a few times per week, it'll also cut down on the chance of the Moray becoming obese. They have all the space, in the world, to burn off food in the the home aquaria, they're limited to how how much they can swim.


Andy, I think you misread my reply.
I did say 2-3 per week. I pass on this valuable advice as it seems to be doing well for my SFE. Where did I get the advice? You of course. You are one of the members here I was referring to in my post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cagRN
Andy, I think you misread my reply.
I did say 2-3 per week. I pass on this valuable advice as it seems to be doing well for my SFE. Where did I get the advice? You of course. You are one of the members here I was referring to in my post.
Sorry about that...had dyslexia, for a moment. I guess I just read it too fast. My apologies, sir.


Active Member
what size is your tank i noticed in the first pic a banded cat shark and your thing below your name said you have a 100 gal fowlr


i'm not sure which pic you're referring to, but i don't do not keep any sharks. yes...i have a 100g FOWLR. would not keep a shark in anything less than a 250g...hopefully will have this size or larger system in the near future at which time, i will be getting some kind of shark or possibly a blue-spotted ray.
how does that sound to you?
i need to make sure you approve of my next system, baby b. you seem to care about it as much as me.


Active Member
in the first pic there is a baby shark in it, in the right bottom corner
i would bet some other kind of stingray besides the blue dot, i have had two and both died within the week, they are very touchy and they dont really eat in captivity but i didnt know that when i got them
i would get a yellow or a cortez, they are pretty cool


Active Member
ooooooooo, i get it some one else posted pics of there tank its not ours
im sorry i get it now