

Does anyone know of the website the guy made about his tank.... it was huge.. .and he had it in his garage through the wall in the next room?? The tank was maybe only 2 feet high.. but about 10 feet long????


Active Member
Steve is here........I'l see if I can find it. Try a Search on Steve Weast here. I don't think I can put up his link.


Active Member
OK, no luck on the search from this end.....
do a google (no the govn't shouldn't flag you ***) ) on Steve Weast. First thing on the page.
AMAZING tank, the best you will probably ever see.

darth tang

Active Member
Hey Cel, I got two new reidi last night. I love when the LFS allows you to buy and pay when you can.
Got them at 60% under his normally marked price as well.
Not stuck up....just one for facts...Cel knows this.

darth tang

Active Member
Now I have two yellow reidi and two black reidi.
Need something else in the tank though and it is done. Just debating what fish to add.

darth tang

Active Member
got shrimp, got snails, got the chocostar. got crabs.
Thinking of being risky and trying a coral beauty angel.......thinking mind you.