Crazzzzzy Green Bird Wrasse


When I got home from work yesterday around 12am I always check on my tank to see whats going on. We my bird wrasse was laying on its side and even its back at times. Well I though it was going to kick the bucket. So I let the wrasse in the tank over night beacuse the eyes were still moving and the gills were still moving. When I checked my tank in the morning. He was swimming around like nothing was ever wrong with him. I just dont get it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by morayeels
When I got home from work yesterday around 12am I always check on my tank to see whats going on. We my bird wrasse was laying on its side and even its back at times. Well I though it was going to kick the bucket. So I let the wrasse in the tank over night beacuse the eyes were still moving and the gills were still moving. When I checked my tank in the morning. He was swimming around like nothing was ever wrong with him. I just dont get it?
When i used to have one, they were easily the most entertaining fish in the tank VERY intelligent, he would just stop swimming and lie there for the longest time, then get up and start swimming again, it was funny the way he would steal food out of other fishes mouth with his long snout.


Active Member
If you read the discription of the green bird wrasse on this site, it says that it lays around a lot and not to be alarmed. They are neat fish, good luck with it...they can get pretty big.


I must say though this is a very awsome fish. Its fun to watch them eat and pick things out of the cracks of the rocks. I have yet to have any snails or crabs go missing yet. I like to the wrasse very well fed so he dont bother anything.
Also I plan on adding a girl for him.


I saw a wrasse (sorry, I don't remember what kind now) in the LFS and he was doing the same thing. I have been visiting the LFS a lot observing the fish and watching the care etc. I thought this thing was dying, and decided I wasn't going to buy from the tank and made a mental note about what was in there thinking they might mix them into the other tanks. The next time I came in he was up and swimming like nothing was wrong. When I brought it up to the store owner/manager, they said that is a feature of wrasses. Sort of like the hawkfish that doesn't have a swimbladder.
Those birdmouth wrasses are whacky looking - similar to a freshwater fish I used to want - seems like it was called an elephant fish but that was over 15 years ago, so I don't know that it is right.


my bird wrass I might see for an hour a day the rest of the time is spent hiding and laying in the rocks. I enjoy watching this fish more then any other fish I ever had.


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth`


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth#


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth>