Creating bad water quality.


Active Member
whenever i clean my tank, i have to put my whole arm in becuase i have this metal tool that gets algae off the glass in a snap unlike that crappy magnet i have. and whenever i do tank cleanings i allways stir up the sand and it looks dirty. does that create bad water quality? or is creating bad water quality having a fish die then an ammonia spike? i would like to know how to get bad water quality so i can prevent it.

mr. tuna

Active Member
Especially if you have a DSB, when stirred up, it can cause phosphate spikes..ect. That is a possibility.
You dont have any axe, or body spray on your arms right?
Because if you do... thats a problem.


Active Member
no.. thats happened to me before and everything suddenly died. my friend gave me a cup of " LS " but my sand bed is still dirty and is nasty. i think im gonna go to the store and by the smallest bag of LS. i was looking around at night and saw this big bug about this big ---. he looked like a sand flea or somethin