Creative Imput Needed!


New Member
Hi Everybody!
I'm somewhat new to the saltwater hobby and brand new to these boards.The only saltwater creature I've ever kept (or attempted to keep) so far are seahorses and I've been rather sucessful in those endeavors.
Recently I have set up a much larger tank for them. It's a 30g hexagon tank and it's really tall (like 2 1/2 feet!). This is where my problem lies.
Yesterday I added a yellow watchman goby to the tank. He is doing great and eating and playing and everything but since the tank is so tall and he lives at the bottom I haven't quite figured out how to feed him effectively.
I've had him eating frozen mysis shrimp and brine shrimp along with a little bit of pellet food. This morning I just tried to put it in the tank as close to him as I could get it. This method seemed to work but it took forever and theres got to be an easier way.
Anyone got any ideas?
:help: :thinking:


turkey baster... and also try taking some tank water with a cup and then letting the food thaw and sink in the cup and then pour it into the tank.. this way it will sink better.