creatures from LR



Neatest thing I ever got was was a flame scallop!! Oh, and a pencil urchin...


well i added some LR and about an hour later i noticed these little guys. the pics are blurry cause i had to rush before the camera battery ran out lol
anyone know what they are?



Active Member
in my original shipment i got:
15 urchins
6 red emrald crabs
1 cucumber (havent seen him since after my tank cycled though)
1 crab im a little nervous about... he looks mean but i can't get him out
some snails
2 pistol shrimp
about 20 star fish
1 mantis shrimp
which luckily i found in the bottom of the box and he ended up in my back yard instead of my tank.


From the rock I purchased (100lbs) came 3 pencil Urchins, 1 Brittle, and 1 small teddybear crab, I am still trying to rid of him but I only see him at night and he is deep in places where I can't get too.


Active Member
you got a teddy bear crab as a hitchhiker?!?! that is awesome and you are lucky if that is correct


Originally Posted by mandarin w
I thought they were those tiny white star fish. I'm not sure the name. But that is what they look like to me.

yeah they look like some kind of brittle star but i have no idea. they are so so tiny. hopefully they will survive the cycle so i can watch them grow!


Originally Posted by saltn00b
you got a teddy bear crab as a hitchhiker?!?! that is awesome and you are lucky if that is correct
I did a lot of looking and asking around and yep thats what it is. I only see him every 3-4 days at night with my red lense flashlight. He can really get around


2 emerald crabs, lots of mini brittle stars, 2 large turkey wing clams, some bright red tiny zoos (didn't make the cycle though). The best one is a flame tail blennie that hitchhiked in some live rock I bought from a LFS.


Active Member
I got a 3/4" - 1" baby Fuzzy Dwarf Lion, one time. Couldnt figure out what was poking/stinging my hand, when putting the rock in the tank, until the little bugger came out swimming around.
I always read the stories about people getting Mantis, as hitchikers, but I've never gotten one, myself...I've always had to buy them.


Active Member
you all are so lucky,,all i got was a feather duster,,,which was very small,,,have a great night.


too many feather dusters to count, sea hair, hermit crab, lots of things i have no idea what they are, and either a pistol or a mantis shrimp, i havent seen it...only hear faint clicking every once in a while.


apple musex snails, flashy limpets, mushrooms, sally lightfoot, emerald crabs, turbo snails, sponges, piorites, feather dusters, rock anemone, zoos, mussles, serpent star, brittle star, another type of star and even got a dead octo in one batch of rock.
Originally Posted by renogaw
1 mantis shrimp
which luckily i found in the bottom of the box and he ended up in my back yard instead of my tank.
that sounds kinda cruel. Many people look to buy mantis shrimp, so instead of throwing him away, go search a little people will pay you money for them.


New Member
the only thing i have found was a peanut worm. i stay up at night with the lights out and my red lens flashlight looking for critters and thats all i've seen so far. i've got fiji lr.