creatures from LR


Active Member
Originally Posted by PhoenixOfThePyre
that sounds kinda cruel. Many people look to buy mantis shrimp, so instead of throwing him away, go search a little people will pay you money for them.

unfortunately this was back when i first started and knew nothing about them. my lfs said to get rid of it, i got rid of it :(. it was a baby too, only about 3/4" long.
at that size he probably won't do much damage to your tank. a good 2" mantis could probably decimate your clean-up crew though. I see, it's no problem, alot of people think of mantis shrimps as a scourge. I went to a LFS once and I asked him to get a mantis in for me, and that day he serviced a tank and threw away about 6 mantis


Active Member
i'm sorry, but i've read and seen way too many problems about mantis shrimp. there's no way i would want one unless i had a tank set up solely for a mantis shrimp.
Yea, and that's what many people do. I've kept two small Neogonodactylus Wennerae in my 72g with fish and had no problems whatsoever. This species is a smasher and a small one, so he didn't bother any of the fish, but the barnacles that came on the LR were gone pretty quickly. The best way to do it though is a species only tank.


off the topic a bit
i was thinking if you add more LR during a cycle will it prolong the cycle?
also my ammonia has gone up (with addding some LR) but the trites and trates have not. is this right?


Active Member
Cycling a tank established the biological filter. Adding LR will cause an ammonia spike and take some time to drop back off, so it will prolong the period that you have to wait to add fish, but it won't prolong the cycle, per se.
In the end I guess it's a matter of semantics, so in a way the answer to your question is yes...
When you add it, ammonia will spike as that's the first stage of the nitrogen cycle. Just give it time, if your biofilter is running properly, it'll break down in no time.


well as i said before im in no great rush. but my tank is looking awfully empty. i may have to get a little blue or green fish to give it some life


The good:
I got about 500 feather dusters (maybe more) and a few other things on the rock I can not identify
The bad:
I also have an unknown mean and nasty preditor!!!

I figured this out today (8 mo's later) OK I'm a little slow... I'm getting ready not to try and trap him. Wish me luck.


Found teeny clams in the sand bed today. 3 differnt locations in the tank. Couldn't tell what kind, but they were all under the sand, fully closed and about the size of a pea. Also numerous snails and a pulsing xenia.


added some more LR today (got it for my bday) and so far i have found 2 hairy black crabs[/IMG]they are hairy and black can anyone ID?
also found a huge bristleworm, a different crab who is yet to come out of the hole. and a long white thing that looks like a piece of string.
will keep you all posted as new critters appear


i will have to get a better pic i am getting all sorts of ID's lol
i noticed he appears to pull off bits of the LR and eats them.. is this a bad thing?


i have discovered more critters after the addition of more LR... here are some pics
is this an amemone?
the crab in question (2pics)
what the heck is this thing?
and a bristle worm?



I have my almond with a mouth (yeah, still not sure exactly what it is). A pink and purple bristleworm, 2 hair worms, a TON of featherdusters and some clear shrimp looking things.


Got a bunch of baby bristle stars. Havent seen them in awhile. Figure my hermits/emeralds munched them.
Some black clam thing. Sort of looks like a mussel.