Criticize my sump/fuge plumbing design please!!!


Euro reefs can release quite a few bubbles depending on how high you have the riser tube. If you extend it as high as it will go, then that will push the bubble column up in the chamber and they won't be nearly as bad, but it is always a good idea to be safe with a couple of baffles. a really good benifit of the ER is that it is more forgiving of water fluctuation than others. I think the optimal water height is 6-8 inches.


Active Member
Ok the fuge return is gonna be about 100GPH and will be a 1"PVC so would this be ok underwater? I may just go ahead and drill holes in the underwater portion just to be safe. I'll also drill holes in the underwater portion of the display overflow tube. If I go with baffles for the sump which would be better glass baffles or acrylic and what thickness.
Another thing should I get a strainer for the fuge bulkhead to make sure nothing gets through and clogs the return pump? One disadvantage I see of this is if the strainer gets cloged than the fuge will overflow so I think maybe the pump clogging would be better than the strainer clogging but let me know what you think.
Can somebody also explain what the logic is behind drilling holes in the underwater portion of the fuge overflow and the display overflow?


I think Acrylic would probably be easier to work with.
I think you answered your own question on the strainer.
I can't tell you the scoop on drilling holes in the underwater portions of the tubes. I have my overflow tube underwater in my sump and the only thing i have noticed is every now and then I noticed a big gulp sound. maybe I should look into doing that myself.
Maybe Kips around to fill us in on a little more info.
edit: woops looks like Kip has already cam and gone


Active Member
ok what size thickness should the baffles be, is .100" or .125" thick enough and will silicone be ok between the glass and acrylic
and as for the strainer I guess I won't do one, I may try to rig something up with eggcrate so the fuge pipe won't clog up
I thought you didnt want your fuge before your sump. I thought you wanted it above your tank so that the pods that you raise in the fuge dont get killed by the return pump??
I guess it depends on why you have your fuge.


Active Member
well I've thought of a acrylic and eggcrate design for keeping debris out of the sump, I'm gonna go with a classic 3 baffle bubble trap if I use baffles at all, I guess all I need to know now is how thick the acrylic needs to be, pods shouldn't get killed by the return pump, if they do ohh well its still fish food :) also there's no way for the fuge to be above my tank it would look way too ugly


Active Member
well what would you reccomend kip, will acrylic weld adhere glass? I figured it wouldn't since it chemically bonds acrylic to acrylic


Active Member
also why has no one ever tried hot glue for baffles and stuff, it seems it would be chemically inert after cooling and would be a quick way to do baffles and not load bearing stuff


New Member
Zane....decent design! I have tapped into my overflow bulkheads gong to my wet dry, that feeds into my my fuge and I've used a prefilter cup as a strainer for the fuge return to the sump to help keep somethings from getting into the sump and ending up in the display tank.


Just cut the PVC dropping into the sump at an angle. The tip can touch the water but the opening will be above the water line. The water flowing into the sump will hang on the pvc and damping the sound. That is how I handled it on my skimmer dumping into my sump.
Hope this helps.


New Member
Nope, the pre-filter cup is a hang overflow for non-drilled tanks utilizing a wet/dry system. It sits on the inside of the tank and uses U-tubes to transfer the water from the tank down to the wet/dry. :thinking:


New Member
Sorry, partner wrong terminalogy.....but it looks like you know what I'm talking about. :cheer: Hope it works out for you If you decide to try it!