Critique the Tank


I've noticed that people will always say "Nice tank!!!" even when it's a 5 gallon cube with tubing and fans and stuff hanging all over it. Which is nice, but I was thinking, why not start a thread where we post a shot of our tanks, and everybody gives an honest critique? I don't mean "That sucks" or "that's ugly", I mean helpful stuff like "you have great rocks but they're not really aquascaped properly" or "you should hide that powerhead". Stuff like that.
OK, enough talk, here's my tank as of today 4/26/06.
Tell me what you would do if this was your tank. Maybe I should have said that to begin with instead of rambling!


Active Member
I like your tank, it is very natural and the fish look excellent. You seem to stocking it at a very reasonable rate as well. I commend you on that.
The only thing I would recommend to you is to not buy another cleaner wrasse if this one dies. Get a neon goby or two instead. Neon gobies do the same job as cleaner wrasses as far as eating parasites, have the same color, and do not need parasites to sustain life.
Other than that, I have no criticism for you.


Thanks, lioncrazz. The cleaner wrasse eats like a pig. brine, mysis, spinach, tang poop ;) He's not relying on parasites for survival, that's for sure!
You know, now that I think about it, it would get pretty convoluted if everyone posted a picture of their tank in this thread and asked for a critique. After a while it would be hard to keep track. So forget I brought it up!


Active Member
Your tank is very nice, Im no expert.maybe a few more open spaces in the rockwork. I like it a lot.


Active Member
I like the looks of your tank. Can you tell me the name of the coral behind the Blue Hippo :notsure: Also wondering if that is an angel near the front?


Thanks for commenting. The coral is a fake monti cap. I was finally going to get it out this weekend with my latest LR purchase but fell short a few pieces. Yes, that is a Blue Face Angel in front. And contrary to how it appears, there are a LOT of open spaces for the fish to swim through, and in the back of the rock they can go from one end of the tank to the other.


Active Member
Nice tank, the thing i would recommend on a stricly 'im a noob who knows nothing' standpoint is... it seems a little too rocky? maybe some anemones...feather duster... mushrooms... something to spice it up just a little.... just my opinion...


Active Member
as you stated you were going to take it out that was my suggestion ... I dont like the looks of fake things and bleached dead coral skeletons.. Thats just me though...


I like the tank but what about making a deep cayon. You sort of have on now with your rock higher on the ends and smaller in the middle somewhat making a gorge. Most people just stack rocks and make a big rock wall, so this would be something different.
just a thought


Originally Posted by nYgel
Nice tank, the thing i would recommend on a stricly 'im a noob who knows nothing' standpoint is... it seems a little too rocky? maybe some anemones...feather duster... mushrooms... something to spice it up just a little.... just my opinion...
I do have mushrooms. My Blue Face ate all my zoo's. The tank is a lot more colorful in person, but I'd love to add anemone's or feather dusters, but I can't. They'll either be eaten, or won't survive since I keep my salinity at 1.020 and don't have the lights for corals. Thanks for the comments.


Active Member
Why do you have your specific gravity so low? Just so you are aware, there have been studies done by reputable companies that has proven that fish that are exposed to low SG's such as yours for an extended period of time live shorter lives.


Those aren't bleached corals, it's Tonga rock. I keep my salinity low because it helps prevent ick. It's always worked for me before and it's working now.


Mystic7, I find your tank rockwork design well thought out and artistic, especially the effect of the branching LR in the front. I don't see much change when you sub LR for your fake stuff, just adding new life (LOL or food for your angels). With the set up you have you can be picky with the LR formations and will only enhance the already nice job that you've done.
I guess you can say that I like it!