Critter ID?


Active Member
Since I re-arranged my tank I have seen several of these floating/crawling in my main tank and in my fuge. Any ideas? Harmful? Harmless? As always, thanks for your help!


Active Member
Here is a better pic of it! I pulled it out my overflow box along with this other thing. Any idea on either? Is the other thing some type of Pod? Thanks


Not sure on either, but I have some of the second one in my tank, and sump. Haven't seen in doing anything harmful though. The first one almost looks like some type of snail. Sorry not much help.


Active Member
Not sure on a positive ID of the first one but, I would check out to see if you find something similar.
The second critter looks like a chiton of some kind.......a good thing.


Active Member
The second pic is an isopod...pretty sure. I believe they are quite closely related to land pillbugs/potato bugs/ rolly polly bugs, or what ever you call the little bugs on land that roll up in a ball in your neck of the woods.:D Good? bad? I don't know, but Bang Guy probably will.

nm reef

Active Member
Attml...the first looks like some sort of stomatella varia ... a positive addition. I have them in fairly large numbers especially in my refugium.
The second appears to be either a amphipod or isopod....both would be positive additions.:cool:

bang guy

The first one is eather a Sea Slug or some type of bubble Snail. I would expect it to eat caulerpa of some type.
The second is a Cirolanid Isopod. If you haven't witnessed any hanging off your fish after lights out then it's probably a beneficial detrivore. I would watch for them on your fish very very closely though.


Active Member
Sammy, NM reef & BangGuy,
Thank you very much for your help!! Something killed my very healthy Pygmy Angel the othernight so I am alittle nervous to risk the Criolanid Isopod. The SeaSlug is back in my fuge. I have 2 types of caulerpa in there and he and his buddies probably came from within that. Thanks again for your help!