Critter In Liverock Causing Me Grief


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Nah... once you see mantis eyes and know what they look like.. nothing else gets mistaken for them.
I knew it. This little

is mine.
Im making the trap right now.


Active Member
i got a small green (maybe an inch long) hitchicker pistol shrimp in some zoos. He lives in the very little hole. Since he doesnt have a goby to guide him, he just hangs out way deep in there. There must be tons of tunnels in there. I shine a flashlight a few inches back and i sometimes see his eyes. i only know it is a pistol because like 3 times he has come up to the mouth of the hole when i happened to shine my flashlight there. So i was able to see his claw. But i too see his little eyes reflecting light back at me.
mudplayer; depending one the size of the whole or what is in there, try putting a turkey baster up to it and sucking it out. Lick stick it in. The whole would have to be very round though. But if its something like a large featherduster hole it would be. I have a whole that is almost perfectly round. it looks like the inside of a riffle.


Pistol shrimp are mistaken for Mantis shrimp all the time. I dont know whether they have the same "bullet like" snapping of their claws though.
Yeah, go ahead and lock him inside of the rock. See if that 20 pound piece becomes 10 2 pound pieces. I would LOVE to hear the outcome from this. The only thing they are really safe to get trapped in is semi-bulletproof plastic or glass. Other then that they can smash through acrylic. I know because I had one do it once. A 1/2 in specialty made 5 gallon display hex and the thing knocked right through it.


Active Member
I had the same problem in my tank last year, it was a mantis. I hate to tell you but I had toi remove the rock and pour soda in the hole to get him to come out. He laughed in my face at a FW dip! Good luck. heres what mine ended up being.