Critterless LR


I just bought a new piece of LR, it's almost 6 lbs and has tons of pretty purple coraline algae but 24 hours later I don't see a single critter. The last 2 small pieces of rock I've purchased from this LFS were choked full of feather duster worms and unidentified "stuff". Should I take it back or give it more time? Is it the critters that I want or will the algae in and of itself do what I want it to do to help my cycle and keep things clean?


I would keep it. It has life in it and if your lucky no uwanted hitchhikers like I had. Read the post I just put up.


I hope it does.. I like rock watching and this bugger is BORING! Nada.. it is an odd piece of rock though.. bubbly.
Boring Rock

Some of my Critters


Not all rock has stuff that will walk around and be seen. The majority of life in any rock is in the ********. Micro organisms, bacteria, coralline algae, etc..
There is a lot of life in most rock that you cannot see.
Your LFS would laugh if you tried to return it saying that your LR was dead.

Rest assured, your LR is LR.


Active Member
Is the top pic is the new rock? Best looking one from what I see. Check it out at night. I bet you'll see a lot of stuff crawling around. It's the bacteria and coraline you want. Feathers and other worms will spread to it from your other rocks or emerge from this one in a few weeks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by slowburn22
That last pic is not a good hitchiker... Its baby aptasia. I'd go buy a peppermint shrimp.
Last pic shows a feather,IMO.


Active Member
yeah last pic looks like a feather duster to me. i have like two of them on 1 of my rocks and whenever i put my hand in the tank they go away so i think its apistia


Active Member
My aiptasia won't retract until I ram a needle of lemon juice down it's throat!
Feathers, on the other hand can be skittish.