critters in LR


I have my 125 gal. up and running and have put 50 lbs of live rock in so far.....more coming this weekend. My question is regarding a couple of critters on the live rock, one looks like a teenie weenie feather duster, is that possible? About 1/4 inch long, acts like one. The other looks like an anenome (sp?) on a stalk, so I don't think that's what it is. It's about 1 inch long. Both retract when touched by something. Any clues? And what do they eat? They've made it this far, I'd like to keep them around.


in my experiences, it is possible that you have small feather dusters on your rock. the anenome type thing you are talking about, is it clearish brown with maybe some whiteish/clear rings on them? if so, it could well be glass anenomes. now those suckers, if you like'm good, cause they gonna grow like weeds :) i had to purchase a few peppermint and camel back shrimp to limit my load of them...
Good luck! Gosh, I wish I could afford a big tank like yours :)


Hey Worm, thanks for the reply. It is a clear brown color, but I don't see any bands of white/clear on it. but maybe it is what you said, I'll keep on eye out for more. And by the way I got almost everything on my set up from ----, a pretty good deal I think. probably 1/2 of what I would have paid at a LFS.


Active Member
If you get good live rock, you will find tons of cool hitchhikers. Is your featherduster white or colored? I got some aquacultured LR from florida and it was filled with tiny red and orange tubeworms, but they tend to stay fairly small. The anemone you are describing sounds possibly like aptasia. As worm said with glass anemones (whcih are related) they can grow to pest proportions, and if left unchecked can harm coras and intverts. Do a search here and on the net for voth glass anemones and aptaisia and see if you can match yours!
good luck


check these sites out u may find what ur looking for
<a href="" target="_blank">hitchiker faq</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">odd critters</a>