Critters in Phosban Reactor


New Member
I'll try and get some pictures posted later, but has anyone else had things start growing on their phosban reactor? I have what looks to be a 1" feather duster toward the top of the reactor, some other things that look like spider webs above the top sponge, as well as some small white fuzz balls on top of the media. I'd like to at least try to save the feather duster, but how big does it need to be before a put it in the tank? And what could those other things be???

aztec reef

Active Member
Chief, it sounds like you have : Aiptasia, tiny featherdusters,Q-tip sponges.
they could be small snails or little hitchhikers. which are all beneficial except the Aiptasia which is a nuisance ( weeds).
are you sure you're talking about a Featherduster or Aipsia or Mojano anenomie?..those pics will defenetly help.


New Member
I'm pretty sure it's a feather duster, but it's sooooo tiny it's hard to tell. I'll work on trying to get some pix posted tonight or in the morning.


Active Member
i get pods growing in my skimmer, feather dusters wouldn't be unbelievable. also, do a search on qtip sponges for pic's.


New Member
Ok, so pictures didn't turn out at all, but the qtip sponge pictures were a dead on match. From checking out the hitchhiker thread, it looked like the other critter was the Serpulid polychaete, so some type of feather duster. So both good things to put in the tank. I guess my next question would be how to get them out of the reactor and into the tank. I'll wait until I need to change the media, but can I just suck them up with a turkey baster? Or will some other means be necessary?