

New Member
I have a 125 gal with LR, snails, blue legs, and damsels. I have had it up for about 4 months. I had been having a bad algae problem but woke up this morning and have NO algae. What I did notice was a LOT of unidentified critters crawling about the tank. There are little black slug type things, there are little semi-transparent shrimplike things, and others I dont even know how to describe crawling around in the substrate. My question : Is this a good sign? Did they come from the LR? What the heck are they? and What do I do next?


Can you post some pictures of the critters involved? I would guess that yes, they are from the live rock, was the rock cured or uncured?


Active Member
copepods and amphipods are likely the little shrimp looking things. you can also get baby snails etc. hatching in your tank from the sand/rock. My tank is about 3 months old now and I'm starting to get some of that stuff. It's a good thing.


I have noticed those same things in my tank, i'm glad you got a picture cause mine are still so tiny & they move so fast I can't get a pic. of them. I'm glad to know that I 'm not gonna have to try and evict these things cause I don't know if I can catch them!


They are amphipods, a good thing, however that is a large substrate and not good for inverts, I hope you will be able to vaccum it regularly.