Crouching tiger, hiding LION?


Anybody have the problem of their lion hiding all the time? I have a Volitans. I mean, when I first got him, he was out swimming maybe 35% of the time, and would definetly come out when he heard the lid open for feeding time. Now, he is unseen ALL day, and the only time I can feed him is when I turn off the lights so everyone goes to bed, and he will finally come out. I hate having a $30 fish that I never see! My other fish leave him alone, and he is healthy, so I don't know what his problem is. I want to take him back to the fish store, and get a Russell's Lion (they are very social) but I cannot catch the bugger! He is very fast, and once he gets behind his rock, there is no hope. I don't want to stress him out, so I give up on catching him very quickly.
Any suggestions?