

Active Member
crox here is todays pic of her tube out as u can see i got my finger i dont even have to circle it today u can see it clearly :joy:


Active Member
lol here is a new pic of possible mommy n daddy the yellow is just a quater of the nest yes the alage is nasty!


Active Member
NO!lol i think behind the anenome or in the shell but i see the male always behind the anenome but there is no eggs i think hes just keeping it clean until its time!


Active Member
I wish you luck. I am guessing these guys are in a tank by themselves right? Otherwise the other fish will eat them.
Also if you email me at miketracyowens at entouch dot net I can give you something else to read.
I don 't think the first batch of eggs will be successful - HOWEVER I don't know. I just read that. I think after they lay their first eggs then they will do it every so often and you can keep trying.
I want a pair if you are successfull they are beautiful fish


Active Member
You really do need to fix that tank. That is one of the worst cases of algae taking over a tank I've seen.
As for the egg thing, if they lay eggs behind or in contact with the anemone they will not survive. For them to survive you would have to remove them from the tank and you won't be able to remove them if they are attached to the tanks glass. I've also never seen clown fish lay eggs that close to a anemone, I don't believe the eggs have the protective coating that makes them immune to stings.
Also that anemone is on its way out of this world. It's very bleached, and I wouldn't expect it to last more than a few weeks longer.
Arrrrrgh, clean the sand!!!!!


Active Member
Do you have a cleaning crew in that tank? Don't know if you are suppose to if that is just a tank for breeding.
Get some snails and hermits then put them in your main tank if you have one.


Active Member
Anemones do not harm the eggs....JME
Mine always lays very near it and the anemone opens over them and the tenticals often wash across them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
Anemones do not harm the eggs....JME
Ah ok, well mine have always laid out of reach of the anemone. Could be just a better surface area where they lay though.


Active Member
Well it might be that I have GSM clowns in a condi anemone to. Not a normal host for clowns of any type and a extremely sticky guy.


Active Member
Looking at the state of your tank, I would be very surprised if your clowns breed. I think you need to relax a little and let nature take its seem to be rather obsessive and I'd bet you've started at least 20 different threads about your clownfish breeding.


Active Member
Jmick, no no you're going to cut off all the great pics I'm getting. I was going to start up a new website called "clownfish gone wild", I figure with all the under side shots we are getting there has to be a market out there.
***) :happyfish


Active Member
LMAO!! Hell, there are some real freaks out there and I'd bet there would be a very small and very strange market for that.