My refratometer states to use distiled water to calibrate it......The scale is marked to reflect percentage of salt as in SG etc from that point.....that is obtained as a reference with plain water........I mainly use my Instant Ocean swing arm thingie the most.......Right now there are two companies I know of that are advertising what appears to be identical refractometers. One is 42.95 with a 6 month warranty, the other is 44.95 with a full 2 year waranty and comes with a hard case, calibration fluid, and pippette etc.........I just happened to come on my unit at a DRMO sale, and paid $5 for it brand new in the box, along with an assortment of other scales for checking varous other fluids etc............No telling what Uncle Sam paid for it originally when he bought it, but its a rubber covered phenolic/bakelite body and most parts are nickle plated brass or stainless steel. The storage box is walnut and lined in a velvet type material, with brass catches and hinges............almost needs to be put on display instead of being used. I use it in my home machine shop for coolant checks and oil checks as well as periodically checking the saltwater setups.......It even has a storage space for vials of the various calibration fluids.