i have a 20 gallon right now filled with 20 pounds of crushed coral. its been about 4 months since the set up and it is almost impossible to fully clean. i was wondering if theres anyway i can switch to live sand?
if i can, can you tell me how i would get rid of the crushed coral?
I had the same problem only I switched before i got my fish.... People on here told me it would probably spike, but it didnt. I just got up and switched it..... Kinda a pain but im glad i did it. I didnt want the nitrates to rise.
ya thats wut i heard. to do like 1/8 of your tank a day so in 8 days ill have a new sand bottom. but wut would you guys recommend to clean the sand?
i have 5 hermits, 5 astrea snails, 1 fire shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, and an emerald crab
Nass. snails burrow and keep sand stirred up. Also, get some true "live" sand (full of worms, pods, etc.).
Also make sure you have a good, brisk current in your tank with no dead spots.
ok, well i dont have any powerheads in my tank. but i do have a filter that is fit for a 70 gallon tank which stirs the water around in ther pretty good. it seems that stream of water flows to the bottom of the tank and then pushes out to each side of the bottom of the tank. all my wavy corals sway that r in the corners of the tank, so im pretty sure i have enough water flow.
Originally Posted by b0bby1
idn wut that mean journey, can u help me out?
Your pump for your filter will have a gph (gallon per hour) rating. In a 20 gallon tank you need pumps that add up to 400gph minimum.
really that much, but do u think i need them with my filter already moving the water around?
also i was wondering if there is any sort of hang on unit for a tank that i can put a skimmer, filter, and heater into so my tank doesnt look like crap with all my stuff hanging on the backwall.
Put any fish you have in QT tank. you shouldn't have have much after 4 months, take them to lfs. Mine is holding them for me. Tang,two damsels, tomato clown. I am starting completely over. Amazing what a shop vac can pull out. Hmmmm.mybe with one of those who could go just deep enough to get CC....Mo from a newbie
dinks....ps....I cleaned the part that went into the tank VERY carefully
1/10 bleach..rinse rinse rinse. I am talking about wet dry hose. VERY VERY CLEAN!