crushed coral to sand

b bauer

if i change to sand a little at time will my tank cycle tank is 3 months old and has 2 damsel and 1 clown 37 gal. thanks in advance. :notsure:


Active Member
no just start at one end and take your time.. its a new tank so you wont have to worry about disrupting the sand and causing levels to leak

b bauer

thanks my lfs had no problem selling it to me even after I asked for his opinion.did not know about this site until after i bought it.the books I had were out dated from the same store.


I would empty the tank and change the substrate all at one time and use that opportunity to remove the damsels before the tank is well established and you are trying to figure out how to catch them.


Active Member
thats your choice.. you can do it slow or all at once but all at once you iewll have a mess for while iny our tank , but good advice was given if you wanted to do that as well..i would try to use live sand as live sand is always better tha dead sand.. or you can just seed the dead sand with a little live sand