crushed coralq


New Member
When i first got my tank I was not going to put live rock in iy. Now...8 months later, I have converted my tank. The woman the pet store told me I should get crushed coral. Can I put sand on top of it? Is crushed coral bad for a coral reef?


Active Member
u should ask sinners girl....
she had it and at every water change she would scoop lke 2 nets out each time


Adding LS to a tank may cause it to spike. Be careful.
I'd recommend getting a seperate container and cycle your LS in it.
When it's finished, I would just do a complete swap out. Empty your existing tank into something temporary, then switch the substrates out... then put the contents back in.
May be a LOT of work, but in the end would be worth it.
That's just my .02 Everyone has their own you know. :)


New Member
O.K. Cycle the live sand how? My tank is 50 gallons. Is this my only opion of switching. My other concern is durning January I had ich. I'm afraid of stirring up old ich by moving the coral around.


New Member
I should get live sand? How does it get shipped to me? I don't think my lps has it. Will I be aable to let it sit while I am cycling it in? I don't know how to cycle.


Active Member
here's what I did. I cleaned a section of the cc very well, very well, then removed 2-3 nets. I did this with each water change and did weekly water changes, it took awhile. You'll have to move lr around and such, which will stir up more crap. if you don't clean the cc before removing, all the crap in the cc will be in the water rather than in the bucket to you drain the water to.
As far a cycling, if you move a tank, distrube the baterica/filter stuff or if something dies or you add too many fish you may have a mini cycle.
Normally, if a fish dies, you're okay, if a bunch die...then you might have an anomia spike, same with adding fish, if you add more fish than your tank can handle, then the anomia may spike and cause another cycle.


New Member
So, when I take my 2-3 nets out, do I put the live sand in then. or wait until I have taken it all out. Do I vacum the cc before taking it out?

sinner's girl

ah, I saw your other post and answered it.
I'd be careful swaping it all out...I just wasn't brave enough to do I'm moving my tank soon (next weekend maybe) so I'll add the sand then.
This weekend I'll rinse the sand, and start curing it, so it'll be ready for me to add to the tank.
if you get ls, no need to rinse or cure. but I didn't have the money for 100# of ls, so I just bought sand and I'll get a cup of ls to seed the sand, plus your lr will seed the sand.
if you have fish/inverts you don't want to start a cycle.
What Agent707 said could work as well, BUT YOU MUST CLEAN/VACCUME THE CC before removing it. please trust me on this one. cc traps nasty yucky stuff, if you just net it out, the yucky stuff is released and hello major nitrates, possible recycle. (went we moved I didn't know to clean the cc, I just kept it and everything else cycle...almost killed my two stars). Also, be careful when moving lr around, stuff gets traps in there also, esp if you don't have a good clean up crew.
YOu have to cure sand or it will clump and harden, or I was told and I don't feel like testing the infor so I'll just believe the shark. After you rinse the sand, put sand in a bucket, with water, add a bit of fish food and stir, stir once a day. this will get the good stuff growing and help prevent a cycle.
I'll be doing this soon, so I can let you know how it goes.
do decrease nitrates in the mean time, decrease feeding, increase water change, make sure you have good water flow (no dead spots), add more lr (but it'll just be a pain for you to move so you might not want to add any yet).
I would have removed all my lr one, and placed it in a bucket with heater and power head so I dind' thave to move it around so much, but I have two stars who love lr, and I don't think would like an empty tank very much.

sinner's girl

So, when I take my 2-3 nets out, do I put the live sand in then. or wait until I have taken it all out.
NO. you have to wait till you take it all out, or the cc and ls will mix...I gues you could try it if you took all the cc from one part and have somehow had a devider so they didn't mix, but I don't know. I removed all the cc.
Do I vacum the cc before taking it out?
YES, you must, or you'll stir up crap. Vaccume a small area with your water change, once that area is clean, (you can tell because the water will be clear) then you can remove some cc. To clean it I vaccumed it up and down, them mixed it up to pick up more stuff.


when I did my tank, 2 months ago. I got some storage tubs,small powerheads,heaters, and buckets. I put my coral in one tub and my live rock inthe other, with as much water as they would hold. I was then able to net my fish, and put them in a small tank. I took the water out. Iwas able to save, about 70% of it in buckets. It was then no trouble to take out the C.C.,add the sand, and put it all back together.


Come back when all said and done and share your results. I'm sure others searching would love to hear about the results.
Good luck.

sinner's girl

here's what I did. I cleaned a section of the cc very well, very well, then removed 2-3 nets. I did this with each water change and did weekly water changes, it took awhile. You'll have to move lr around and such, which will stir up more crap. if you don't clean the cc before removing, all the crap in the cc will be in the water rather than in the bucket to you drain the water to.
I wrote that. When you quote someone you have to say who said it...the way you have it sounds like it's your words, not mine. and you didn't even use quotes!
What rusting said will work also, however, I would remove the water before moving the lr (to limit th crap that's get stired up), and don't use the last bit of water on the bottom with the cc. and before you do that, make sure you have fresh saltwater mixed and ready to add back in.
if you don't use a heater with the all the water you may need wait for the tank to get back to temp before adding the fish/corals/inverts....and depending on your room temp, you may want a heater with the fish/corals/inverts...


Active Member
Do you have another tank?
If you have another tank, take all of you fish, lr, etc. out of the tank w/CC and put them in the other tank.
I have a 210 and a 55 so this works for me when I need to do stuff to main tank.
Empty the tank with the CC and throw out the CC, replace it with marine sand, it will turn to ls in time anyway. (this way dont have to worry about a cycle)
Now obviously this wont work if you have 1 tank.
Edit: I just remembered seeing the smaller tanks(like 15's, 20's) at petsmart for like 15 bucks. You can put the fish and any inverts in the tank and put the LR in buckets.
I just realized you have started, let us know how it goes. Good Luck! :happyfish