Crystal clear slime water?


Please don't give me a hard time about getting a condi so quickly, I knew I was talking a risk, not waiting months to get one. It was 6 bucks and huge, couldn't resist temptation. Anyways it's been in for 2 days now, I was doing a water change today and the water has a slime consistancy when it drips from my gloves and net, I can't find anything about crystal clear slime. You can not see it in the tank or on rocks ect. Anyone know what it's from?


Staff member
How much slime are you talking about? How is your water readings? Have you added any additives, slime coat, vitamins?


0 ammonia
5.0 nitrAtes
8.2 PH
1.024 SG
32.5 Salinity
.25 nitrItes (First test since cycle it hasn't been zero, I test every other day)
Live stock:
1 saddleback clown
1 6 line wrasse
2 skunk shrimp
1 emerald crab
5 scarlet hermets
Lots of LR/LS


U can't tell there is slime until the last of the water is driping of something or out of something, the consistancy of slime is only noticable when dripping from something.