CSS 65 adjustment


I was wondering if anyone had any tips or tricks to get the Coralife Super Skimmer 65 working at its best. Mine is pulling lots of brown gunk out, but I'm getting a lot more water than solid stuff or just foam. It says to adjust it so the bubbles are about 0.25" into the collection cup cone, but I'm still not pulling out much dry stuff. Luckily, the cup isn't filling up too fast, I have to empty it every few days, but I'm wondering if this is really the best the skimmer can do or if I can tweak it into better performance. Anybody got any tricks?


Turn the height of the water / bubbles down further so its only about 1" or so above the red retaining ring for the collection cup and the skimmer will skim drier. Its all spelled out inthe instruction sheet how to make it skim drier or wetter as well as the pros and cons of both. If its pulling junk, its working, but sounds like its set more to the wet side than dry side.


I have it set way low now and I'm still getting a lot of water in the collection cup. It's a lot less water and it still looks really nasty, but I can't seem to get it to dry skim. Do you leave the valve adjustment all the way open like you're supposed to, or is yours closed off a bit?


Before mine crashed I had it opened all the way. Here is my hint. Go to Wally world and buy some fabric batting, it comes in bags. Use your filter pad that came with your skimmer and make a new pad using the batting. You will need two layers. This is what Roland told me to due when I called the company for help.
Hope this helps you.