Cuban cigars


I consider myself to have a little knowledge regarding cigars. And let me tell you, the Cuban cigars have truly lost their quality of taste over the years. Try a Dominican grown cigar. They are VERY yummy. With having lived in Miami for some time and having a Cuban wife whose mom works for the 911 & Customs community, I've had my share of Cuban cigars. :)
But if you're nervous about bringing them in, I concur. When I was single and thought that Cuban cigars where the s$%t, I used to order them from ---- in Canada. As I've grown in the cigar arena, I've learned that there are better cigars, than what Cuba has to offer.


Active Member

Originally posted by NVMYCJ
I consider myself to have a little knowledge regarding cigars. And let me tell you, the Cuban cigars have truly lost their quality of taste over the years. Try a Dominican grown cigar. They are VERY yummy. With having lived in Miami for some time and having a Cuban wife whose mom works for the 911 & Customs community, I've had my share of Cuban cigars. :)
But if you're nervous about bringing them in, I concur. When I was single and thought that Cuban cigars where the s$%t, I used to order them from ---- in Canada. As I've grown in the cigar arena, I've learned that there are better cigars, than what Cuba has to offer.

I agree with you 100%. I do like the Cuban cigars, but I've had some others that were better. One of my favorites is the CAO Brazilia. The Domincan Red Dot cohiba to me has a better taste, but the cuban's have a better feel and burn quality from how they are rolled. I don't know why or how, but that is my experience.