CUC for 240G


Need some advice for a 240g. Already have fish for it in QT while the tank is cycling. Have a 7" Hawaiian Trigger, 7" Naso Tang, 4" Maroon Clown, 4" Coral Beauty, and a 5" Yellow tang.
What kind of clean up crew would you recommend? Also I plan on keeping this tank as FOWLR.

small triggers

Active Member
maybe a sandsifting star and an asst. of snails. just know that they will get picked off one by one by the trigger, it'd take a while though.


I think the only cleaners you can get are hermit crabs, ex: strawberry hermits. There is also a hermit that has rock anemones attached to there shell (forgot the name). Both are very nice in color and are pretty large. I have two in my tank with my durgeon trigger. He doesnt bother them at all. Sometimes I hand feed them. I dont think starfish will last that long. I just added a large conch to the tank. Since I put him in though, he hasnt moved that much. He is probably scared s@#$less cause of the eel, trigger & harlequin tusk. It was only $5, so I gave it a try.


What about crieth snails for the sand? Mine hardly ever come out of the sand. Would trigger dig to get them? I don't know just curious.


I dont think the emeralds would have a chance. I caught a small wild sea crab and put it in my tank. Those sea crabs are aggressive. He lasted a week. I think the snail would have a chance, but a 7" trigger is pretty tuff. Its worth a try to see if it would work. They are only $1 anyway.


So in other words the reef packages offers would be a waste of my money then?
Also just saw they took all of the reef packages off sale since this morning.


Yeah. Hermits should be fine. Snails that burrow might have a chance. Anything else that trigger will eat (shrimp, crabs, lobsters, starfish)


Originally Posted by salt210
I have a bluethroat in my 210 and he hasnt messed with any of my snails
Yeah the blue throats are pretty tame, but he has a durgeon trigger. My durgeon will almost anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EGILL
So in other words the reef packages offers would be a waste of my money then?
Also just saw they took all of the reef packages off sale since this morning.
CuC on any site is a waste and over kill.
Its always best to start off small and work your way up.
Otherwise your just overpopulating your tank from the start with bottom feeders who will out eat the fish waste, and then turn on each other. Which will create an abundance of pollution in the tank.
With aggressive fish your limiting yourself on CuC options from the start. Look into turf scrubbers as a highly effective alternative. My water params are 0/0/0/8.2, I have yet to turn on my skimmer, and hopefully never will.
My 125DT/55sump is only 2 months old, and I have a light bioload (3fish, 2large crabs, 3 dozen assorted snails and hermits)for its size, but I don't think that im wrong in giving my scrubber credit since its the one doing all the work my 50lbs of lr cant do.