Cuc help


Yeah, I know I should have a cuc by now. But here we go. Paramaters are perfect but sand is not and there is a bit of algae. It is a 29 gallon tank with a 20 gallon sump. I have a turbo and some nassarius snails (5). I am wanting to add 2 cerith snails and 3 blue leg hermits. So, how does that sound? Any suggestions. More/less? What about a sand sifting star instead of hermits? too small a tank?


im not quite sure but i think one sand sifter would be okay and i dont know how big of tank they need but brittle stars do a good job cleaning 2


Originally Posted by kydizzle41
im not quite sure but i think one sand sifter would be okay and i dont know how big of tank they need but brittle stars do a good job cleaning 2
Actually I think I'll just go with the hermits. Stars don't sound like a fun thing to deal with. If my hermits end up being too big of a pain, in the sump they go.


Actually, what if those are diatoms. I shouldn't have them unless there are silicates in my water, right? Well, there could be. I don't have a test for that who does? If I get an ro/di unit, it should go away. That would make a lot of sense, right?


So to be sure, I am going to refrane from doing a water change. I stirred up the sand and since this is the end of the week and a water change is need, I'll just not do one and continue to stir up the sand. In hopes that the "stuff" which I am thinking is diatoms will go away. That way I'll know that it is my water source and I can get an ro/di unit. Also, since I have no corals, I don't have to worry about a calcium imbalance from not doing a water change as much. Does this sound like a good idea, or should I dig deep into my savings now and get the $$$ promptly?