Cucumber Injured?


I have what my LFS calls the cleaner crew cucumber. It's a plain old black cucumber (except this one is yellow). It has what looks like a slit down the middle of it's back that is coated wit a white cottony substance that strings off of the cucumber at times. I have not noticed this slit on any of the cukes at the LFS, although I am pretty sure mine had it from the dealer. I remember (possibly incorrectly) that cukes have this to turn empty their stomachs if they are threatened. Is that right? What is this slit actually for? I haven't seen anything attack it. Thanks.


I have NO experience with Cucumbers, so sorry, I can't answer the question, but I CAN bump for ya!


Sounds like you've got a sick (perhaps fungus infection) filter feeding cucumber. Yellow cucumbers are not ditritus feeders but filter feeders.


Active Member
No, this is not how they would "eviscerate" which basically means puking out all their internal organs (not a good thing for it to have to do).
Does your cuke hang out on the rocks and glass and have frilly, tree like tentacles that it extends into the water? Then it is a filter feeder. Does it hang out on the sand and extend tentacles onto the surface? Then it is a sand sifter. Color is not really the best way to make this determination.
Any chance for a picture of the cuke and of this "wound?"


Checkout the inverts page on this site and click on yellow cucumber. If that looks like what you have, you have a filter feeder. Still think you have a fungus infection but not sure. Would need a picture for that. You could try Permafix, I think that's what it's called. It's an anti fugal and is reef safe, though I have never used it myself.


It's a sand-sifter (it looks like the black cucumber on this site but it is actually yellow). I have seen it consuming sand, however it spends a lot of time on the glass up towards the top. It has been acting a little od dthe past few days. I am going to pick up some Permafix today at the LFS and if that doesn't work then I will remove the cuke before I leave for Thanksgiving. Thankls for all of your help. I will try and post a pic tonight.


He still moves around and I have seen him eating, so I am going to try the medicine but I may remove him anyway, since I am adding 2 clowns this weekend.


Active Member
Cukes have remarkable powers of regeneration. If you've seen him trying to eat, I wouldn't necessarily give up hope. They can regenerate all their internal organs after all.


I am taking my girlfriend up to the LFS Saturday for the first time, so I am going to take the cuke up there as well. i really don't want to put any medication in my tank at this point, since it is still very young. I will probably end up quarantining it for a few weeks. We'll see.