Cucumber, myth or reality?


Active Member
Marley, they are said to be safe, even if they die, but I have have no direct experience with one dying in a tank.


I have had a black knobby sand siffting cuke in my tank for around a year or so. Absolutely NO problems... IT has even shed once {just like a snake}. I was very happy to know that my system was good enough for an animal to act as if in the wild. I have read somewhere that they reproduce by splitting like a worm...anyone else heard of that?


They all release toxins when they die. the sandsifter just isn't very toxic. They can reproduce when they split but this is usually when they are indangered or threatened. They reproduce via gammets= eggs/sperm I belive . I forget without checking but I belive thats how.


New Member
I had one of the sand sifting "turd" with spikes cukumbers. I don't know how it got injured but it eventually died. I came home from work only to find half of it left, with my purple tang and cleaner shrimp taking turns eating it, and they are both alive today.