cucumbers?clean up crew:?

I one in a reef clean up crew. man are they ugly? mine is sitting on rock not moving? do they normally sift through sand or rock? what purpose do the serve in a reef clean up crew.. plus my clean up crew.. red crabs.. sand sifting star.. small blue leg hermitt are ripping my rock apart! my tank looks like CRap... im upset. i thought these were good for the tank? my sand is filthy!!! please help fellow reef goers thank you

old hermit

mine dosent move much but i can tell where he has been. he does a great job with the small area he works in. it just takes them a little bit to get it all cleaned up. hth


Active Member
I'm lucky enough to have with nice color. He is a little odd though. You might see him completely under the sand or even at the top of the glass??? But they do work pretty hard, they just do not work fast.
I too have a pretty odd looking one in my tank. I think he's so ugly he's cute. He doesn't really work fast but I can tell where he's been when I see little sand turds piled up. He does his job he's just slow at it.


Not all cucumbers are detrivores. I just bought a yellow one thinking that, turns out the thing is a filter feeder. :mad: now I have to take it back and get a different one.