CuddleFish Anyone?


Does anyone have one and could give me some information on one. I really think they are cool and I think they are aggressive fish but we are in the process of putting a aggressive tank together.


Active Member
I think you mean Cuttlefish :D . Cuttlefish are said to be extremely hard to keep in captivity. They need a large tank and can't be kept with any other fish (they will make a meal out of them). They have relatively short lifespans, on average ranging from 1-2 years. Though not impossible to keep, Cuttlefish are generally not recommended for aquariums. :)



Originally posted by lefty
I think you mean Cuttlefish :D . Cuttlefish are said to be extremely hard to keep in captivity.

Uh hUH!


Are you sure you want a big tank with nothing but a squid in there?
They're are very aggressive and will clean your tank of inverts. It'll get very expensive when feeding it.
BTW, dried cuttlefish is quite tasty :)



Originally posted by Duke13
Are you sure you want a big tank with nothing but a squic in there?
They're are very aggressive and will clean your tank of inverts. It'll get very expensive when feeding it.
BTW, dried cuttlefish is quite tasty :)

yes what i've been reading is that you don't need a big tank. I'm looking into seeing if it would be possiable to share it with other aggressive fish. Like eel or lion fish. They are really not that aggressive. Only if they are not feed properly. From what i've been reading.



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
Here is a cool cuttlefish site.
I was told by a neighbor that the owner of the site lives very close to me, but I haven't talked to him or seen his cuttles.

ThANKs viper for the web site really coo... And alot of information for me to read.


I could see an unexpierienced person with a cuttlefish asking for help because thier fish keeps changing colors iratically



Originally posted by DrummerBum
I could see an unexpierienced person with a cuttlefish asking for help because thier fish keeps changing colors iratically


an umexpierenced person wouldn't know that a cuttle fish changes colors with it's mood. If it's hungry, excited, scared and so on..
But see I've been doing some reading.


Active Member
Life expectancy is two years.
Very intelligent, can grow to be quite large.
They eat a lot.
(Never had one personally, but worked with in public aquariums when I was a volunteer in college)



Originally posted by 1journeyman
Life expectancy is two years.
Very intelligent, can grow to be quite large.
They eat a lot.
(Never had one personally, but worked with in public aquariums when I was a volunteer in college)

I heard that too for the life expectancy. Do you know why they have such a short life span?


Active Member

Originally posted by Leona
yes what i've been reading is that you don't need a big tank. I'm looking into seeing if it would be possiable to share it with other aggressive fish. Like eel or lion fish. They are really not that aggressive. Only if they are not feed properly. From what i've been reading.

I don't think it is a good idea....they should be kept, IMO, in species tanks that are designed for them. I think it is one or the other, but not both. Just not a good idea to try and mix them.
These guys do not have true "bones" but they have a support "rod" if you will. In squid it is quite flexible and clear - like plastic- and called a "pen." But in cuttlefish it is more calcified and aids in support and bouyancy. When the animal dies, the cuttlebone can be removed...and often given to birds. :)