Cuke or Horseshoe Crab?


I have been considering getting one. My sand star is good but I need something to dig deep and really get into the sandbed. I would like to hear from people that have either had one or the other (or both) and let me know which they prefer.


Active Member
well a cuke wont dig deep, a horseshoe will but will plow into anything and everything in its way... may i ask why you want something sifting thru your sand bed ? (unless its a non DSB)


Well, depending on what you would call a DSB. 75 gallon with approx. a 6" bed. Didn't necessarily have a reason for wanting to get deep but I noticed that my sand star typically hung pretty shallow and I didn't know if I needed to get deeper.
From what I gather from your post, there is no need to sift deep? If that is the case, why not? I ask because it has never been explained to me.


The bacteria that convert nitrate to free nitrogen live in anaerobic places, the deeper part of your sand bed being an excellent example. If you distrub the lower parts of the bed, the bacteria there will not function as nitrate users, defeating the purpose of a DSB.


Thanks for the explanation! Noticed that you are in OKC. Maybe we can hook up and do some trading if you are interested.
Let me know.


horseshoes also get BIG given time and good nutrition, and tahat sounds good rich, my tanks not fully done yet, but always looking for a lil variety of live sand. :)


i have had bad luck with horseshoe crabs, 1st, there cool to look at but stupid. They swim like there on crack, and always, always end up sucked to the bottom of your powderhead, and usually by the time you spot it, its on its last leg. The LFS has them for 2 bucks a piece, so i got some. if you want to stir up your sand bed, get a turkey baster, and occasionaly just stir it up.


Active Member

Originally posted by ntvflgirl
Besides, cukes can potentially wipe out your whole system. Not for the faint of heart...JMO;)

seems like the sea apple is the main trouble maker for that... unless your cuke got sucked up a powerhead


Depending on how deep you want to go, but I have 2 and they just go under the surface of the sand. Some people say they eat the good stuff in the sandbed like worms and fauna but I come to find that I see no decrease. When the come out I spot feed them shrimp pellets. They have kept the top of the sand pristine and have had no regrets. They are clumsy but thats nature, sometimes I have to rescue them because they get themselves in trouble.