Culligan Water for Water Changes


heart & sole

Best water to use that i found around here is at alberstons in the Glacier machine outside...

heart & sole

It's only $1.75 for 5 gallons and its R/O water with no chlorine or other undesireables


New Member
as far as i know there tds is through the roof in there ro water ive seen tests as high as 40ppm. So is it better than tap water, yes is it as good as true ro, no


I can't believe a fellow Bronco was one of the people answering my question. Go Broncos! I now apologize to the rest of the group. It's just that there aren't that many of us running around.

Jarrett, I'm new at this hobby, so I'm afraid I don't know what tds is. Can you elaborate?
Heart & Sole, I've been using Albertson's Distilled water for my 10 gal. I was quasi considering having Culligan water delivered in 5 gal containers...So easy to have water delivered to your door. I won't do it tho if it has funky parameters.


New Member
total disolved solids, tds, the tap water where im from is around 80 tds and the pure ro i use is 6. so you can see how culligan is kinda a gamble. now with that being said i live all the way up here in canada so the culligan source is most likely differant, but personally i wouldnt trust it too many headachs in the long run. you should be able to pick up an in home ro unit for around $200. and trust me in the long run youll need one. what size tank is it your filling.


Yea, it may make sense for us to go ahead and get an R/O unit. The tapwater here is also rumored to contain Arsenic every so often...Can an R/O unit filter out Arsenic as well? If so, I think the "boss" would approve the purchase.

The tank is going to be a 55 gal

heart & sole

Yea i know i was kind of weirded out when i saw that you were from Payette. I think i have seen a total of 6 people on here from Idaho. But back to the topic I agree with jarrett culligan is a gamble. I have a friend whos dad works for the Glacier company and that was how i found out that they produce good R/O water. If you are only filling a 10g tank a home R/O unit is kind of a waste as you wont be changing out enough water for it to pay for itself.


New Member
dont know about the arsnic. but in a 55 gallon you would be needing about 5gallons a week for top up. we pay $5 a bottle so will say $5 x 52 weeks=$260 so the ro unit would pay it self off in the first year not counting water changes. if you plumb it right you could also use it for drinking water in the house and totally cut some cost out of your life.

heart & sole

Originally Posted by Alan1
Yea, it may make sense for us to go ahead and get an R/O unit. The tapwater here is also rumored to contain Arsenic every so often...Can an R/O unit filter out Arsenic as well? If so, I think the "boss" would approve the purchase.

The tank is going to be a 55 gal
for a 55g a R/O unit would be a pretty good investment then...its the same size tank that i have and i do 5 gallon water changes every week. I plan on getting a R/O unit but later on down the road when i get a bigger tank


Yea, I think I would stick with Albertson's trips every so often for my water needs if I was going to stay with a 10. However, the woodworker in me is demanding that I build a fancy display cabinet, and I've gotten tentative approval from the boss for a 55, so that's why I'm thinking in advance of other potential alternatives.


Active Member
The water that comes from water companies, can have stuff added to make the water have a taste. And won't have a TDS of 0 supposidly it isn't very healthy to drink water after it has happed through a deionizer. I've got mine T-ed off so I drink the ro and fish get the di.


New Member
Here's two cents from another Bronco fan.
I've been using culligan water for over two years with no problem, and it is nice to have it delivered to your door. With a 75 gallon it gets a little pricey, but I'd rather pay that than have to mess with an ro system.
I've tested the culligan water for nitrates, phosphates, silicates, etc. and all were zero.


Originally Posted by jarrett
as far as i know there tds is through the roof in there ro water ive seen tests as high as 40ppm. So is it better than tap water, yes is it as good as true ro, no
i iagree, but when I started the hobby a few years ago I went to my local dealer, I asked them what their standard was, they said they keep it under 100ppm!!!!! Better than tap but no where near my standards!


New Member
I've used Culligan water from Walmart for over 3 years now, with no problems at all. The unit has a sticker on it which details when the unit was last serviced. I keep a close eye on it to ensure that the filters are being changed regularly. So good!