cultivating daphnia instead of rotifers?


Active Member
i think im going to try it the baby daphnia are roughly the same size as rotifers
just curios? to see what will happen


Why ask here if you are just gonna shrug off the suggestions, just go try it. Bang knows his clowns, I'd trust him when he says they are a little too large for the clown larvae.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt_water
Why ask here if you are just gonna shrug off the suggestions, just go try it. Bang knows his clowns, I'd trust him when he says they are a little too large for the clown larvae.
i dont think that your comments are nessisary.i asked the question and i will take the advice or leave it, i understand that bang guy know this stuff thats why i asked, and hes probably right but i have to know if it will work thats how society improves itself. so please in the future if u have nothing important to say thaen dont