cupramine treatment? question

Currently I am treating 2 maroon clown in a 20 gallon with ICH. I know they have ich because I got them from a LFS. I am into a week and so far all they are doing is hiding in the back of the sponge filter. The copper is now at .5 . They have not swim or eat or done anything since the cupramine was dose.
Is this normal for cupramine treatment?
thank you


Staff member
No, that's not normal. What are your ammonia and nitrite readings? Are you using the Seachem copper test kit? How is the water circulation in your tank? Do you have any decorations or hiding spots in the tank?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I’m so sorry for not posting this BUT there is a problem with the seachem copper test kit the powder they give you does not give a reading of copper try there test regent and see if you get a reading if not contact there tec support and tell them they will send you out a different powder to test the amount of copper in your tank I don’t know why they have not recalled all there test kits. You may have to much copper in your tank I would run a poly filter as soon as possible until I can be sure of the amount of copper in your tank
i am not using the seachem test kit,I am using the ap test kit right now, which isn't much better. The reason why I am sure is .5 correct dosage because I measure the 10.5 gallon of water with exact gallon container. And the drops were equal 1 ml equal to 10.5 gallon of water (from seachem ), but maybe there was one or 2 drops more easily.
I am also using prime to lock down the ammonia and nitrite. I am sure there is some ammonia and nitrite.
I donot have any hiding things except the big giant sponge filter and a hang on the back filter use a water movement.
I think it might be a little too much copper. Will go out and get seachem test now.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
this is a copy of a reply i sent to my thread about the test kit all i ask is to check it for your self if you are not sure just call seachem i got there phone number from those to doctor guys
I am not saying they are not BUT before I went the hypo way I ordered Cupramine and as you suggested Beth I ordered their copper test kit. I used the copper as per their instructions but and after 48 hours and two doses I should have had a reading of 0.5 mg/l when I tested the copper (using their test kit) I got 0.0ml of copper. So I added another dose (dumb on my part) tested again and again 0.0. I then used their test regent with comes with the copper test kit guess what 0.0. Thinking it was just a bad kit I contacted the two doctors from which I ordered it on line. They sent me another test kit guess again same reading 0.0 after dosing again I tested using their regent 0.0 I contacted seachem and I was told by their tec support I should try mixing the powder that comes with the test kit I did that while she was on the phone with me. Same results 0.0 she then told me that they were having trouble with the powder and she was sending me an other type it would be a very small amount but it would be enough for 75 test I asked if they were changing to this new powder and she said the new one was very expensive and they were looking into something else to use.
I use many seachem products all I am saying is if you have the copper test kit check it with the regent they give you to be sure you’re not over medicating
This is a copy of the instructions that were sent to me with the new powder
New Copper Test Kit Instructions
I. Fill sample pipette to base of bulb and dispense to a test cavity of the test plate.
Repeat, adding to same cavity.
2. Add 2 drops of Copper Reagent 2.
3. Insert the dry stir rod into the Copper Reagent I container to coat the rod with a
very light dusting of reagent. Gently tap the rod against the side of the container
to shake off excess Copper Reagent 1.
4. Dip stir rod with Copper Reagent 1 in test cavity and stir briefly.
5-- Compare color with color chart within 20 to 30 seconds after stirring. If testing
chelated copper, read after 15to 25 minutes. (Cupramine TM is not chelated.)
6. Promptly dispose of completed test solutions by rinsing test cavity under running
Water. If the test plate becomes stained, soak or clean with dilute bleach cleaner


Is this a QT? Copper is such a harsh way to go. AP kits are not that great. I would suggest doing several larger water changes and adding carbon to the filter to get the copper out. Hypo the tank once you have a zero reading for copper.


Active Member
I have used copper and tested with API with out prob. Just error on the side of caution and test all water perimeters before doing any thing crazy. If you think you are over then add some water to move it one point.
PS: You should have dose in two phases over 2-3 days to get to full dose. Just a thought on what may have happened.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeoJ
I have used copper and tested with API with out prob. Just error on the side of caution and test all water perimeters before doing any thing crazy. If you think you are over then add some water to move it one point.
PS: You should have dose in two phases over 2-3 days to get to full dose. Just a thought on what may have happened.
Now when I say test all water perimeters I hope you know what I mean if you are not sure please post.
I am also getting a 0 copper test from seachem even with the reference. This test kit is terrible. I just wasted 10 dollars on this kit and time. I just email seachem about sending me another one.
I have tried hypo before but the problem is the constant monitoring the ph and evaporation of water. It was extremly hard to maintain at hypo with a working schedule. I was able to do it before with my other fishes but it was because I was home all day.
Geoj what did you do after the treatment, do you change 100 percent of the water (cycle) or 50 percent and use carbon?
I have around 5 days to go, even though the fishes aren't moving and hiding but they really do look bright and healthy.


Active Member
Do one or two 20-25% water change and run some carbon till it comes down to zero then pull the carbon and do a water change as needed to remove the phosphate that could come from the carbon.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 3stripedamsel
I am also getting a 0 copper test from seachem even with the reference. This test kit is terrible. I just wasted 10 dollars on this kit and time. I just email seachem about sending me another one.
I have tried hypo before but the problem is the constant monitoring the ph and evaporation of water. It was extremly hard to maintain at hypo with a working schedule. I was able to do it before with my other fishes but it was because I was home all day.
Geoj what did you do after the treatment, do you change 100 percent of the water (cycle) or 50 percent and use carbon?
I have around 5 days to go, even though the fishes aren't moving and hiding but they really do look bright and healthy.
call them on the phone im sure they will tell you the same thing they told me which is they are aware of the problem but it seems like there are still a lot of bad test kits out there seems like I WAS NOT CRYING WOLF
No, There is something wrong with the test. They said if the kit contain a spoon then is the old one. Mines came with the spoon so I assume is the old one, they say they will sending me a new one asap.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by 3stripedamsel
No, There is something wrong with the test. They said if the kit contain a spoon then is the old one. Mines came with the spoon so I assume is the old one, they say they will sending me a new one asap.
yes the spoon and large amount of powder are in the bad test kit you will reciever a very small amount of powder and a small rod to use i would also test the new powder with the test regent