Cure for Acne?



I still break out every now and again, but exercise has worked wonders. The tanning bed actually does help. Something about vitamin...D? I think? But as we all know, there are side effects. It's also recommended for those with psoriasis.
But I have learned 2 things. Those dry soaps, cause your oil glands to evercompensate and produce mass amounts of oil cause your skin is so dry. So a soap that does not dry out your skin to bad has worked better for me, and the exercise, I think it just flushes the pores. I'm not sure how it works but in the summer when I "glisten" (cause I'm a girl and we don't sweat) a lot, my acne is all but gone.


Active Member
I second seeing a dermatologist ASAP. If in your case it's not diet or hormonal issues, then you could make your situation worse by trying everything under the sun.
I've never had acne problems and I eat a ton of cheese, peanuts, chocolates... you name it.
i also go with the sunlight. i had some acne problems when i was like 12 or so, but since i started track and xc (few years ago), ive been fine b/c i spend so much time in the sun. it really does a lot for your skin, and you still stay tan in the winter


Active Member
i havent read the whole post , only a few but I have noticed I get it more duriing school. Over vacations it is not really there. So less stress= less acne
Originally Posted by niskyvaulter
i also go with the sunlight. i had some acne problems when i was like 12 or so, but since i started track and xc (few years ago), ive been fine b/c i spend so much time in the sun. it really does a lot for your skin, and you still stay tan in the winter

off topic but I also run track n xc