Cure-ick/Stress coat Any opinions?


I saw these meds in my lfs....Will they work fir ick? Can I safely add stress coat to my reef tank?
Any advice is appreciated.


Active Member
I've read several times that the aloe in Stress Coat is not good at all for reef tanks and marine tanks, it says on the bottle for fresh or saltwater, but i've heard bad things about it. SeaChem Prime is much better for salwater and is also more cost-effective, at least in my area.
Watch out for ich medications with copper or copper-based attributes, they are horrible for marine tanks. As for other medications for ich, most often they won't work as well as hyposalinity, do a search for 'hypo' and you'll find a lot of answers. I believe there's a Sticky thread on top of this forum that explains it as well.