Cure Live Rock??

Cured rock is rock that has been established an have lots of live critters inhabiting it. On the other hand rock that is not cured has a foul odor to it as the cured smells like the ocean.


Active Member
Cured rock does not nessasarily have a lot of things growing on it. It basically means that most of the die off that will occur has occured and it is pretty safe to put in your tank without having an ammonia spike.


Active Member
Live rock needs to be cured because of die off that occurs when the rock is shipped. Some organisms dont ship well. But the process of curing while getting rid of the dead stuff also establishes a healthy level of nitrifying bacteria able to deal with the die off and waste. If you where to put uncured live rock directly in your tank in a decent amount you would most likely get a dangerous ammonia spike.


So please explain how to cure it. Does it have to be in a heated tank with air, or what? and for how long?


Active Member
put it in a container with a powerhead and a heater and a skimmer if u can afford to. Do water changes when you get high readings...don't add a light, when the high readings stop...the rock is now takes a little less than a month.


Active Member
When I cure rock I use a large rubbermaid garbage container. I premix the water for at least 24 hrs. SP of 1.024 temp around 77.I use two 802 powerheads and a heater. I add the rock to the water and use a strip light to preserve any light loving animals. Do a partial water change on day two or three. Then on days five or six do another. After seven to eight days the rock is usually cured but you need to monitor the ammonia level to see when it is done. I also add turbo calcium and iodine but that is just to save as much life as possible.


Active Member
the uncured LR that I've bought has been out of water for sometime that there is no life on the outside...some dead corals that the LFS that I got it from said that they are sent dead...they said most likely they died when the rock was being harvested. I doubt a lot of life, if any is on my LR but oh well, it was cheaper than the cured stuff and was in awesome shapes.