Cure my tang (PICS)


How do I cure this. She is in hypo now because other fish in my DT had ick. I know she is stressed because she is in a 20 L tank with another powder blue tang about her size. They do not get along well in this small tank. What do I do???



Active Member
IMO you should always have cleaner shrimp (If compatible w/your tanks inhabitants) ESPECIALLY if you keep tangs. In my experience, ick seems to stay dormant in most systems and can be brought on by stress. My suggestion is to add 2 or 3 cleaners to your display and put the fish back in - if they do not appear to be doing better in your QT.
Good Luck


I do have cleaners in my DT. Ich is gone in the QT but I think this tang has a bacterial infection and possibly HLLE. Ich is not what I am worried about. Signs of ich are gone on all fish.


Yah its kinda hard to tell theres anything wrong with the tang in the pictures. But if you think it has Bacterial infection/HLLE, keeping it on a varied and nutritious diet and maintaining pristine water quality may help(there are some medications for bacterial infections.) . Ick may not be gone for good, but if you havnt seen signs for several days you might be OK


Active Member
Head and lateral line disease is caused by poor nutrition and poor water quality. There is no medication for this.
A bacterial infection is treated with improved water quality, as well as the use of an antibiotic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Head and lateral line disease is caused by poor nutrition and poor water quality. There is no medication for this.
A bacterial infection is treated with improved water quality, as well as the use of an antibiotic.
HLLE can also be caused by stray voltage and stress as well . The tang does not appear to be suffering from HLLE disease, but the red blotches indicates either a bacterial infection and/or very poor water quality. Stress can also cause this . This is often a problem with QT tanks. THey are often too small and counter-productive.
Test the water parameters. Also, if you have a source of macroalgae this can often supply a source of natrual vitamins for your tangs. Also, make sure you have plenty water movement in your QT...a must for tangs.