As mentioned prior...
Uncured is rock straight from the ocean, usually transhipped to here. Then it is shipped to your house, or somewhere along these lines. This rock contains the best life. Problem is, you will have to cure it yourself, which isn't hard at all.
Rock from the ocean has many, many life forms attached. Many of these lifeforms, sponges, etc, die once exposed to air. This die off is natural, and the decaying matter will cause your tank, or wherever you put it, to experience an abrupt amonia spike, and will remain high until everything is decomposed and broken down.
Once the container with the rock in it zeros out on the amonia, the rock is pretty much considered cured.
Curing the rock, as mentioned, is easy. You need a container of adequate size, (32 gallon, new, plastic trash can works great), a powerhead for circulation, air pump for air, heater, and plenty of salt to do every couple of days or so, water changes. During the water changes, gently scrub the rock with a nylon brush to remove the matter. A drain in the bottom of the can helps alot with the water changes. Once the amonia in the container is're good to go.
Prior to starting the curing process yourself, put the rock pieces, a couple at a time, in a 5 gallon bucket with the salinity at about 1.040 for 2-3 minutes, this causes everything (bug wise) to leave the rock. Have some tweezers or needle nose pliars to pull the bristle worms who wont come all the way out. Then when you are done, you can sort through the bottom stuff for stuff you may want to keep.
If possible, I myself will only buy uncured live rock...just for the diversity of life within it.