Cured or Uncured



Well Im going to be setting up a tank sometime in August. I set up a list on paper with the things im going to be getting and other stuff just so I could be orginized and everything.
Anyway, l I was thinking about the LR that Im going to be getting right after I get the water and sand in the tank. Cured or Uncured is the question. Uncured has dead things on it so would that be better to start the cycle? Does cured rock look nicer? Which do you guys buy? Any advise would be great!
Thanx again


For a new tank uncured would be the better way to go, not to mention cheaper. After it goes through a cycle it will become cured.


Uncured, Like LionStorm said it is more cost effective. Just seed it with some LR and over time it will become LR once again. The only way to go IMO on a new setup.


I'm going with uncured in my tank to start my cycle. It looks the same except for some die off. Save yourself the dollar or so a pound and use it to buy other stuff for your tank. Good luck.


I just happened to use baserock and fully cured rock. Baserock in my 90 and then broke down the 55 with the fully cured stuff. Worked pretty good.


Not very many answers but...........I really want to get something from this web site just because its helped me in so many ways (plus I hear there rock is nice)
Anyway is it ok if I do like 50 LB of cured and then 20 lb uncured. Is that too much for a 55?


Yes they do have good rock right here on this site. You will be just fine with 50# cured and 20# uncured. Good luck with your tank. By the way when you stack it leave plenty of openings for water flow. Try not to get any dead spots if possible.:)

sinner's girl

if you order lr from online there will be a little bit of die from shipping, so you should be fine. add that to the uncured and you should be good. (you can always add a dead raw shrimp from wal-mart, that will start the cycle also).
70# is not too much lr for a 55gl. but think ahead to the fish you're going to get and make sure they'll still have enough swimming room.
good luck, and it's great you're planning and thinking before jumping it.


the best part of getting uncured IMO is that you basically get "first dibs" on rocks... while the rocks sit in the curing tanks, many people pass them buy to get the cured rocks... if you scower threw their curing tank (smelly tank) you may find some "jem" quality rocks....


Active Member
There is a little bit of descrepancy here, these are the defintions of types of rock:
Baserock- Dead dried rock, this has no life on it but can become LR if put in tank and seeded with LR, cheapest rock
Uncured rock- rock directly out of the ocean and shipped to supplier, this rock has tons of life on it, but because of the shipping process much of the life is dead and decaying it must be cured before it can be put in an estabished tank, this rock is great for starting out new tanks. more expensive
Cured rock- rock from the ocean that has been through the curing process and all of the decaying life on it is gone. If you get this from your LFS it can be put in tank one piece at a time. If you get this shipped there will again be some die off. Most expensive type of rock.